General Meeting – October 6, 2024 – Bethabara Moravian Church
Speakers Written Presentation:
Eric Metaxas
Eric’s Father, Nicolas Metaxas, passed January 10, 2024 — The following link will provide the message that Eric sent out regarding his father’s passing: Click Here
Wonderful video regarding the National Monument to our Forefathers – Click Here
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
This newsletter is from a reputable and long established ministry in Jerusalem called Kingdom Advanced Network with a special report newsletter regarding the current events in Israel. Click Here
Unity Synod – September 2023- Cape Town, SA – Still awaiting resolutions that were passed at Synod. We will advise once these are available. Meeting with PEC
Six Moravians that traveled to Cape Town, SA had a meeting with the PEC after their return on October 23, 2023 – Statement from this group regarding the meeting – Click Here
Unity Synod – September 2023- Cape Town, SA
- The Unity Synod of the Moravian Church was held in Cape Town, South Africa September 4-9, 2023. Delegates from all Moravian Provinces around the world were in attendance. Additionally, a team of six Concerned Moravians attended synod from the Southern Province as observers. They traveled at their own expense to Cape Town to meet with delegates and provide a hospitality room on check-in night of the synod. They were John Dyer, Sallie Greenfield (Friedberg), Joel Sapp (Bethabara), Richard Key (Rural Hall/Bethabara), Mike and Regina Lambeth (Friedberg). The CM Leadership Team and others started praying in July and God raised up these six Godly men and women to represent us. Unfortunately, the Unity Executive Board (of which Rev. Dr. Neil Routh, President of the Southern Province PEC is a member) met and voted to advise all the delegates not to visit the hospitality room. After this occurred, the group of 6 requested a meeting with the Executive Board (Rev. Dr. Jorgen Boytler – Administrator, Roberta Hoey – President of Unity Board, Rev. Erord Simae – Vice President of Unity Board, Rev. Dr. Neil Routh, Bro. Leopoldo Pixley). The Unity Administrator Rev. Dr. Jorgen Boytler sent a letter to John Dyer and Sallie Greenfield advising that the Board would not meet with them. (Click Here to view letter). John Dyer saw Rev. Dr. Jorgen Boytler and again requested a meeting which Rev. Dr. Jorgen Boytler agreed. A lunch meeting was set and only 3 of the 5 Executive Board members attended. The letter that was sent to John Dyer and Sallie Greenfield had incorrect information and a personal letter from two Concerned Moravians was sent to the Executive Board regarding discrepancies in the refusal letter. (Click here to view letter) No response regarding the personal letter has been received and if a response is received, we will provide an update.
- We currently have not seen any results of the Unity Synod Resolutions. Once these are available we will advise.
- August 27, 2023 – Prayer and Worship Service for Unity Synod
The Moravian Revival of 1727 – A Sermon Preached August 12, 1906, in the Moravian Church, Nazareth, PA by Rev. John Greenfield, D.D. – Click Here
2023 Moravian Church Northern Province Synod – PEC Outgoing President’s Address – Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller
Eric Metaxas and John Zmirak – “Spread a Little Oil on the Water and Set it On Fire”
Eric Metaxas and Matthew Thrower (Pastor and My Faith Votes’ Social Media and Digital Content Manager) – Click Here
Letter from Jules Modlinski to Heather Vacek, Th.D – Dean of Moravian Theological Seminary regarding the participation in the Pride Event on June 10, 2023 – Click Here
Writings by Robert Jordan
New and Old Testament passages regarding Sodom and Gomorrah
Dennis Ayers’ Website – Please visit and review his commentary section
Pastor Gary Hamrick – Cornerstone Chapel, Leesburg, VA —
A Biblical Response to the ‘Transing’ of America – sermon on the current cultural confusion
Rev. Dan Nelson, Associate Pastor – Friedburg Moravian Church – Sermon on the book of Jude
Rev. Jim Newsome, Senior Pastor – Friedburg Moravian Church